== Models of Learning: TESEP == [[PageOutline(3-4,On this page:,"inline")]] The TESEP project - Transforming and enhancing the student experience through Pedagogy - was undertaken by three institutions in Scotland with the explicit aims i) to make students into active, self-directed learners and ii) to identify the role of technology in supporting them. This section of Phoebe has yet to be written, but in the meantime you can find information about TESEP in a [http://www.jisc.ac.uk/media/documents/programmes/elearningsfc/sfcbooklettesep.pdf booklet on the TESEP page] of the JISC Website (PDF format). === Overview === [wiki:ModelsTesep#ModelsofLearning:TESEP Top] | [wiki:PhoebeApproachIntroduction About teaching approaches & techniques] | [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page] === Guidelines for planning an IBL exercise === [wiki:ModelsTesep#ModelsofLearning:TESEP Top] | [wiki:PhoebeApproachIntroduction About teaching approaches & techniques] | [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page] === Generic sequence of activities === + denotes activities which take place concurrently. [wiki:ModelsTesep#ModelsofLearning:TESEP Top] | [wiki:PhoebeApproachIntroduction About teaching approaches & techniques] | [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page] === Examples and case studies === ''We are still researching examples and case studies for this topic. If you would like to contribute any (whether from your own teaching or from other sources), please [mailto:phoebe@conted.ox.ac.uk contact us].'' [wiki:ModelsTesep#ModelsofLearning:TESEP Top] | [wiki:PhoebeApproachIntroduction About teaching approaches & techniques] | [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page] === Further information === [wiki:ModelsTesep#ModelsofLearning:TESEP Top] | [wiki:PhoebeApproachIntroduction About teaching approaches & techniques] | [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page]