'''Online Case study Phase 2 - Tutor managed / open activities''' '''Examples''' Real life cases, test cases, exemplar cases '''Best Practice Model for Online Case Studies''' ||Real-world Scenario|| ||Supporting data and Documents|| ||Open-ended Problem|| (Penn State University, see http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/cases/casewhat.html) '''Student Activities''' * Uses a range of dialogues, takes on roles set by tutor * Involved in case study and associated activities * Requests support when needed * Student is able to research own material to apply to case study '''Tutor Activities''' * Range of dialogues, tutor sets out roles for students * Designs task to involve students in case study * Offers a range of support * Tutor set overall case study '''Further Guidance''' Best Practice Models, case studies, how-to tutorials and online forums about creating and using online case-studies are all available in the Best Practice Models for E-learning Community at http://crusldi1.staffs.ac.uk/moodle/course/view.php?id=9&topic=6 [wiki:GuidanceFor Back to Staffs]