== Assessment Activities == Here you design the assessment activity (or activities) that are to determine whether students have met the intended learning outcomes for this session. If you want to try a new technique or tool for a familiar form of activity, choose either [wiki:PhoebePh2RefMapActivitiesToTechnologies What technology can I use for...?] or [wiki:PhoebePh2RefMapTechnologiesToActivities What can I do with...?] for ideas, tips and examples. In particular, you might like to look at the pages on [wiki:Ph2TechnologiesAssessment e-assessment tools] and [wiki:Ph2TechnologiesEPortfolios e-portfolios]. For each assessment activity: * Give it a brief '''title''' or label (e.g. 5-10 words) * What is the '''nature of the activity''': i.e. * What will students do, and what techniques will you use (e.g. essay, report, voting, multiple-choice questions, presentation, performance, portfolio)? * How will you accommodate [wiki:Ph2StudentsDifferentiation differentiation]? * Will you offer students a choice in what they do? * Which '''learning outcome(s)''' does the activity assess? You might want to look back to the [wiki:Ph2CurriculumLearningOutcomes Learning Outcomes] page. ''Subject to functionality: may have drop-down list.'' If you used Bloom’s taxonomy to formulate the learning outcomes, you might be interested in this [http://www.coun.uvic.ca/learn/program/hndouts/bloom.html categorisation of assessment questions] produced by the University of Victoria, Canada. * '''How long''' should the activity take? If it is to take place during the learning session itself, what are the scheduled start and end times? * Will students '''perform the activity individually, in pairs or in groups'''? If working collaboratively: * How big are the groups? * How do you want to divide up the students? (i.e. Can they choose, or do you want to decide yourself?) * Will students be '''assessed individually or collectively'''? * What '''tools and resources''' will students need? e.g. books, handouts, Websites, IT, other equipment. Either include a short list on this page or remind yourself to look at the [wiki:Ph2CurriculumResources Resources] page. * When is the '''deadline''' for submission? * Who is going to '''mark''' the students' work? * How will you give the students their marks and/or verbal '''feedback'''? [[wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page]]