== Context: Location == || ''"The environment can affect what can be done in a session e.g. availability of breakout rooms, space for group work etc." (FE teacher)''|| Possible locations include: || Face-to-face: || Class/seminar room, laboratory, lecture theatre, field trip, workplace || || Online/distance: || Student's homes, workplace, learning resources centre || || Mobile: || Anywhere! (e.g. train, stationary car, airport lounge, in the field) || * '''Name and room number:''' if this is a face-to-face session, where is the class to meet? * '''Notes:''' e.g. * Is the room suitable for students with [wiki:Ph2StudentsAccessibility accessibility] needs (e.g. can wheelchair users get into it? Are lighting levels adequate for students with vision problems?) * Does the room need to be booked? * Do you need any particular technology in that location? (See [wiki:Ph2CurriculumResources Resources] in the Curriculum section.) * Do you need to carry out a [wiki:Ph2ContextHealthAndSafety risk assessment] for that location? [[wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page]]