== Why “design for learning”? == Many teachers have found that introducing technology into their courses prompts them to think about the teaching and learning process in new ways. For example, new tools can open up exciting possibilities for active involvement on the part of students, they help to make “anywhere, anytime” learning a reality, they can supplement face-to-face interactions between teacher and students with extended online discussions, and they are making it possible for students with disabilities to learn alongside their able-bodied peers. All this requires careful planning and the consideration of a number of interrelated factors. '''Why “Phoebe”?'''[[br]] In classical mythology, Phoebe was one of the Titans and – according to the [http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/greek-mythology.php?deity=PHOEBE Godchecker] website - Goddess of “Wise Counsel, Thoughtful Replies and Snappy Answers.” And this is exactly what our tool sets out to do: provide timely and informed guidance on designing learning experiences that make appropriate use of technology. It offers users both flexible and guided paths through the planning process, and provides access to a wide range of models, case studies and examples of innovative learning designs. '''About the Phoebe project'''[[br]] Phoebe has been developed by a team from the Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning unit ([http://www.tall.ox.ac.uk/tallinternet/ TALL]) at Oxford University and Oxford University Computing Services ([http://www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ OUCS]) with funding from the [http://www.jisc.ac.uk/whatwedo/programmes/elearning_pedagogy/elp_designlearn.aspx JISC Design for Learning] programme. However, we envisage Phoebe as a community tool, owned by individual departments and colleges who will supplement the advice and examples that we have supplied with material directly relevant to their own context. For background information, please visit the main [http://phoebe-project.conted.ox.ac.uk/ project website].