== Techniques: Google Jockeying == Google jockeying is a recently devised classroom activity involving [TechnologiesSearchEngines search engines]. One student, the "jockey," searches the Web for the sites explicitly mentioned by the teacher and/or for other Web-based information relevant to the topic of the lesson. His/her discoveries are then displayed alongside the teacher's own notes or presentation. This technique could also be applied to group work: for example, where students are brainstorming possible Web resources for a project and one person looks up the sites mentioned so that their suitability can be ascertained by the others. You can find an [http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7014.pdf introductory guide to Google jockeying] in the [http://www.educause.edu Educause Learning Initiative’s] (ELI’s) ''7 Things You Should Know About...'' series (PDF). [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page]