== Web 2.0, Social Software == [[PageOutline(3,On this page:,"inline")]] === What are they? === Web 2.0 and Social Software are generic terms for a group of tools that are socially focused and encourage user created content. Perhaps the most famous web 2.0 application is Wikipedia. Other tools that can be classed as web 2.0 include [wiki:TechnologiesBlogs Blogs], [wiki:TechnologiesWriting Collaborative word processors], [wiki:TechnologiesWriting Collaborative writing tools], [wiki:TechnologiesMashups Mashups], [wiki:TechnologiesRss Newsfeeds], [wiki:TechnologiesPodcasts Podcasts], [wiki:TechnologiesRss RSS], [wiki:TechnologiesSocialBookmarking Social bookmarking], [wiki:TechnologiesSocialNetworking Social networking], [wiki:TechnologiesWikis wikis]. New tools in this area are being developed all the time so this is not a comprehensive list. Follow the links above for more information on an individual tool. There is a list of articles about [http://ictlogy.net/bibciter/reports/bibliographies.php?idb=27 Web 2.0 applied to Education] at the ICTology Blog. === How can I use them with my students? === The main difference that the use of Web 2.0 or social software tools makes to most teaching scenarios is to shift the creation of content from the teacher to the student. For suggestions related to specific tools, follow the links above. === Examples === ''We are still researching examples and case studies for this topic. If you would like to contribute any (whether from your own teaching or from other sources), please [mailto:phoebe@conted.ox.ac.uk contact us].'' === Where can I get them? === * http://www.go2web20.net/ A directory of web 2.0 applications and services. [wiki:PhoebePh2Contents Contents page]