Last modified 17/06/08 12:00:56

Guidance for Staffordshire University

This Best Practice Model for E-learning will help tutors plan e-learning:

  • That has a clear weekly structure with a range of technology supported readings, collaborative tasks/activities/projects and assessment.

  • That includes a range of interactions – students working with the tutor, each other and other experts as appropriate

The model can be adapted for different delivery modes:

  • Collaborative Distance (all online)
  • Concentrated Blended (Online with class induction/reviews/labs)
  • Serial Blended (Class and online running in parallel)
  • Merged Blended (Class with online preparation and follow-up)

E-learning activities

Each learning phase might include one or more e-learning activity which is either an individual, pair or group task, the use of a range of resources and summative or formative assessment with feedback of different types.

This model suggests that you use a variety of activities at each phase. The design and delivery of the activites will be different for each phase, for example:

Learning Outcomes

This table shows how you can map Staffordshire University learning outcomes to the e-learning activities:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Use and develop knowledge to complete online collaborative task
  • Use and develop own knowledge to respond to case study
  • Present, develop and discuss own and others’ knowledge to contribute to forum
  • Create/share creation of representation of knowledge as e-resource


  • Identify and complete own learning by accessing appropriate e-resources to complete online collaborative task
  • Identify and complete own learning needs by accessing appropriate e-resources to respond to case study
  • Identify and complete own learning needs by accessing appropriate e-resources to contribute to forum
  • Identify and complete own learning needs by accessing appropriate e-resources to create/share creation of e-resource


  • Use methods of enquiry to complete online collaborative task
  • Use methods of enquiry to analyze case study
  • Use methods of enquiry to contribute to forum
  • Create/share creation of outcomes of research as e-resource


  • Analyse data to complete online collaborative task
  • Analyse data in case study
  • Analyse data to contribute to forum
  • Create/share creation of analysis as e-resource

Problem Solving

  • Model problem and propose solution to complete online collaborative task
  • Model problem and propose solution based on case study
  • Model problem and propose solution in forum
  • Create/share creation of model of problem and solution as e-resource


  • Use range of communication skills and tools to complete online collaborative task
  • Use range of communication skills and tools to respond to case study
  • Use range of communication skills and tools in forum
  • Create/share creation of range of e-resources suited to audience


  • Apply own knowledge and skills to complete online collaborative task
  • Apply own knowledge and skills in responding to case study
  • Present and discuss own and others’ application of skills, concepts and techniques in forum
  • Create/share creation of authentic e-resource.


  • Present and discuss own and others’ reflections on learning in forum
  • Create reflective e-resource