Last modified 24/08/07 12:20:25
Reflections: Your Personal Impressions
You can write whatever you like here. However, these headings may help you to structure your reflections.
- Aims and rationale
- What were your main aims in this learning session?
- What was your rationale in choosing the different activities, tools etc.?
- What went well? e.g. in terms of...
- Students' motivation to learn and willingness to participate
- Choice and sequencing of activities
- Quality of your interactions with the students
- Quantity and quality of students' interactions with each other
- Technology used
Overall, what were the benefits of the approach you took?
- What didn't go so well? e.g. in terms of...
- Students' motivation to learn and willingness to participate
- Choice and sequencing of activities
- Quality of your interactions with the students
- Quantity and quality of students' interactions with each other
- Technology used
Overall, what were the drawbacks of the approach you took?